As outlined in yesterdays post today’s workshop was “In-depth with HTML5: getting started with 4 key technologies with Mark Pilgrim”
I have never intended this blog to get overly technical so beyond telling you that we covered off four key HTML5 technologies – Video, Canvas, Local Storage and Offline – I thought it was best to share a series of useful links to various HTML5 resources.
- Firstly Mark Pilgram’s online book is a great starting point!
- Modernizr is a useful js library that makes it simple to check browser compatibility regarding new web features
- For those wanting to produce various video formats Miro Video Converter is extremely simple convertor with almost no settings!
- Videojs is another useful js library to deal with HTML5 video
- and Initializr get your  started fast with HTML5
- Blowup HTML 5 is a site that shows the power of crossing <video> with <canvas>
- 20 Things I learned is a google 20% project that show cases much of HTML5 capabilities