Morgo 08 – Segways and Jetpacks

I was fortunate to be invited to Morgo 08 an extremely rewarding experience where I was able to rub shoulders (network) with some of NZ’s best entreprenuers along with invisted guests from around the globe.

Jenny Morel, the founder of No8 Ventures and the Morgo concept, in a pre-event article in Unlimited magazine explained that she is always a little nervous in the lead up to Morgo and that she uses the noise level at the first networking dinner to determine if the event will be successful. Well the noise at ALL meals was almost deafening and I certainly sum up the overall event as a wonderful success.

Glenn Martin’s presentation regarding his recently released Jetpack was an amazing example of someone who has put his life into an idea. It was just a pity his jet pac was still stuck in the USA somewhere.

As always, the Segways proved popular and there was more than a little NZ/Aussie competitiveness when Scott Farquhar from Atlassian got up and going.

Photo courtesy of Morgo 08
Photo courtesy of Morgo 08

One of the main ‘rules’ at Morgo is “that everything that is discussed at Morgo stays at Morgo” This allows everyone to get a huge amount of value by being confident they can share commercially sensitive information in a forum where ideas can be explored freely and everyone has valuable input to offer.

That said, there have been a number of items published recently that follow on from the Morgo Conference:

Tech investor plans $100m fund to give start-ups a lift

Kiwi enterprise must graduate from bronze to gold

The National Business Review, Friday 5 September. By Mark Peart
Page 8.

Putting a rocket under the economy

The National Business Review, Friday 5 September. By Mark Peart
Page 8.

Jetpack looks to military for takeoff

The National Business Review, Friday 5 September. By Mark Peart
Page 7.

NZTE – Export Grant

Today I received confirmation that Cadimage Solutions have received  the NZTE Enterprise Development Grant – Market Develpoment for a second year.

This grant matches our Marketing Spending $ for $ (up to a limit) and is helps us develop our Cadimage Tools export business.

Running an online business and attraching customers is a challenging exercise. Having the support NZTE allows us to travel and meet customers and partners worldwide.

In the 8 months of this year we have already doubled last years sales and this can be directly attributed to the support with have received from NZTE.

Applying for a Grant of this nature is a challenge in itself which is why we used Helen Cross of Cross Ventures. For a small success fee Helen takes care of the entire application process and makes the process a breeze.

If you are New Zealand Export business make sure you maximise your investment by partnering with NZTE.